News alert: California passes law to restrict phones and devices in schools.

Posted 4 months ago by Diertra Lomeli

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Diertra Lomeli
Diertra Lomeli Admin

News alert: California passes law to restrict phones and devices in schools.

We’re curious what you think? How do phones in schools impact school climate? What’s worked to manage phones in your schools?

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mamedo@uoregon. edu NoLastName posted 3 months ago

We just had a great conversation during our October 2024 Expert Instruction episode about this very thing. The principal at Monroe Middle School shared his experience implementing his school's "No Cell Phone" policy in his building. Students weren't thrilled with the change, but as the year has gone on he's noticed such a positive impact on his school's climate and overall engagement. Take a listen!

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Alan Cook

Alan Cook posted 4 months ago Admin

I think that discussions around phones and devices in schools is a great thing! Both of my kiddos have had very different experiences with policies ranging from non-existent and inconsistent, to cel phone "hotels" where students turn in their phones at the beginning of the class and pick them up when the class is over. One of my questions around this is how to manage those devices for learning as well as data collection... for example, if a student has a digital CICO point card, but phones are restricted, how would that work?

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